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Facial Aesthetics

Fight Back Against Ageing

Facial Aesthetics

Fight Back Against Ageing

Everyone, including those with great genes, will eventually show age related changes to their facial appearance- and not everyone is comfortable with that. And although the day to day contractions of your facial muscles will eventually cause wrinkles to appear, hope is not lost!

At Cherryvalley Dental Care we have the skills and training to reduce the appearance of frown lines, crow’s feet and more with a variety of simple and safe treatments. You’ll be looking years younger in no time at all!

Relax With A Facial
Rejuvenation Treatment

A facial aesthetics treatment consists of having a small amount of safety proven relaxant into the desired area. It can help reduce the appearance of wrinkles in key areas such as between the eyes (frown lines), on your neck, on your forehead and on the side of your eyes (crow’s feet).

Plump Up With Dermal Fillers

Injectable hyaluronic acid is used by our Cherryvalley Dental Care specialist to ‘plump’ up facial features, such as your lips, and create a more supple look and feel to your skin- particularly the areas around jowls, cheeks, lips, chin and nose. The treatment is safe and incredibly effective.


How does the facial aesthetics treatment work?

The relaxant we use at Cherryvalley Dental Care is protein based and has been used for decades.

During the treatment, we inject a small amount of the highly diluted relaxant into the muscle fibres that control your facial features. Once it takes effect, the tension in these muscles reduces and the appearance of your wrinkles becomes less noticeable.

It’s incredibly safe and effective in reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Are the treatments painful?

All of our facial aesthetic treatments are designed to be as painless as possible and our team is highly experienced in these skin treatments. Normally, you will only experience a slight tingling sensation during the injections.

Will my wrinkles be worse when the treatment wears off?

This question is asked a lot and the answer may surprise you: no! In fact, muscle relaxants have both a therapeutic and preventative effect on your wrinkles. If you stop using the treatment, the wrinkles will gradually become visible again as they were before the treatment but they will not have progressed.

How long will the dermal filler effects last?

This depends on a number of factors such as the type of filler used and the area in which it’s injected. As a general rule you can expect the effects to last anywhere from 6 to 18 months. Your Cherryvalley Dental Care team member will answer your questions and help you decide which treatment is best for you.

Where to Find Us

Cherryvalley Dental Care

33 Gilnahirk Rd,

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